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✅Safety tips, please check the electronic wallet before withdrawing

Today, during a routine network security inspection, we found that hackers were trying to crack our investor's login account and password. Now we have urgently dealt with the matter. Here, we warn our investors to check your electronic currency wallets before sending the withdrawal request to ensure that the redness can be sent to your wallet correctly.

We have made a lot of work on network security, and we make the following suggestions:

1. Set the complicated combined passwords include, but not limited to numbers and lowercase letters.

2. "Two Factor Authentication" of Google Authenticator of the account (you can find it in your account "Safety Settings")

3. We launched the "Riot Crack" program for hacking attacks. If your username continuously enters the password more than 10 times, your account will be temporarily locked. You can re -activate your account through the activation mail we send. If you cannot receive activation emails, send emails to our on -site support for help!

4. Check your wallet when you withdraw troops to ensure that it is correct, so that we can ensure that our payment can be delivered safely.

Thank you again for our investors that we will continue to provide long -term and safe investment environment. best wishes!

PlanetaryAsset Management Team

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