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✅Solar stations installed near the equator will provide energy to the entire planet

It is at the equator that the best place to collect solar energy, the researchers say. In their opinion, solar stations floating in calm marine and oceanic regions could effectively supply an unlimited amount of solar energy to densely populated countries in Southeast Asia and West Africa, as well as the whole world.

For example, solar energy in Indonesia alone can generate about 35,000 terawatt hours (TWtg) of solar energy per year, which corresponds to the current world's electricity production (30,000 TWG per year). The equatorial part of West Africa near Nigeria also has the greatest potential for marine floating solar stations, scientists believe.

Floating solar panels can also be placed on inland lakes and reservoirs. Indoor floating solar energy has great potential and is developing rapidly. Scientists have already calculated that according to heat maps, you can quickly find regions where there have been no large waves or strong winds over the past 40 years. Floating solar panels in such regions do not need powerful and expensive engineering protection.

Regions where there are no waves higher than 6 meters and winds stronger than 15 meters per second can generate up to one million TWh per year. This is about five times more annual energy than is needed for a completely carbon-free world economy supporting 10 billion people.

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