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✅Company Registration Updated

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully submitted our annual reports to the Canadian government regulator, reflecting our strong results and growth over the past year.

In addition, we are pleased to inform you that our company registration has been extended until the next reporting period in 2024. Regulators have confidence in the effectiveness of our organization, our compliance with all government requirements, and the company's future.

Our company has also successfully extended its Legal Entity Identification (LEI) certificate until 2024!

Securing our LEI certification for another year demonstrates our active participation in the financial markets and our continued commitment to compliance. The LEI certificate allows us to seamlessly participate in various financial transactions while providing a streamlined and compliant experience for our valued partners and customers.

We want to thank our dedicated team, valued customers, and stakeholders, whose unwavering support has played a vital role in our continued success.

Thank you for participating in our development. Together we will create a bright future!

Mingo Global team

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