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✅Japan is testing the technology of obtaining solar energy from space

Space solar energy was proposed by an American physicist in 1968. The concept is to launch solar panels into space to generate electricity at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers.

In Japan, the study is led by a group chaired by former President of Kyoto University Hiroshi Matsumoto. In the 1980s, he was the first in the world to successfully transfer energy using microwaves into space.

In 2009, the band used an airship to transfer energy from a height of 30 meters to a mobile phone on the ground. Researchers are working to improve the basic technology of wireless power supply.

The group plans to conduct a major experiment as early as 2025 to find out whether it is possible to transfer energy from space to earth. Satellites will be used to send energy to ground receiving stations hundreds of kilometers away.

Competitors are also working in this direction. The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology are engaged in large-scale projects. Parties such as Chongqing University are developing technology in China, and the European Space Agency is developing its own plans for energy transfer from space.

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