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Life Time: 51 Days
Active Deposit: $200.00
Our Rating:
Investment Plan: 0.7% Daily for 3 Days (Principal Return), 0.8% Daily for 7 Days (Principal Return), 0.9% Daily for 11 Days (Principal Return) & 1% Daily for 15 Days (Principal Return) Referral Commissions: 2%
Min Spend: $20 Joined On: Jun 15th, 2023
Withdrawal mode: Manual Monitored: 49 Days
Last Payout: No Payouts Ref.Back: No
Payment Processors: Tron
The project lasted for 51 days in its sleeping stage which is 3 complete cycles in their biggest plan and 17 cycles in smallest. Project had gone through two domain suspensions and still hold on. I am in a loss as I have been reinvesting here on plan expiry. Frankly speaking I had high hopes with the low returns and being a sleeper project. It's best to not treat projects as sleepers from now on unless they have a basic goldcoders script!
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