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Life Time: 690 Days
Active Deposit: $1,500.00
Our Rating:
Investment Plan: Crypto Trading: 0.9% to 1.9% Daily for 15 to 65 Business Days (Principal Return);
Manual Exchanges: 2.5% to 3.5% Daily for 100 to 150 Business Days (Profit & Principal at the end);
Cash Exchanges: 4% to 5% Daily for 170 to 210 Business Days (Profit & Principal at the end)
Referral Commissions: 4 Levels: 5%, 2% & 1% (Depends on your structures total deposit, Status M0 to M14)
Min Spend: 0.004 BTC, 0.1 ETH, 1.10 LTC, 1244 DOGE, $250 USDT(ERC20), 1511 TRX, 0.29 BNB(BEP20), 0.83 BCH, $100 USDT(BEP20), $100 BUSD(BEP20), 1.92 DASH, 1054 XLM, 9606148 SHIB(BEP20), $100 USDC(BEP20), $100 USDT(TRC20) & 212.90 XRP Joined On: Apr 25th, 2023
Withdrawal mode: Manual Monitored: 41 Days
Last Payout: No Payouts Ref.Back: No
Payment Processors: BitCoin LiteCoin Ethereum DogeCoin BitCoin Cash DASH Ripple Tron
Support: Support E-mail
Project ran for just 45 days after redesign which is nearly 1 cycle but turns out to be a loss. Given the old reputation and work of the admin & team seems like this old admin has turned into a professional scammer now and believes in minting money without morals.
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